鑒於COVID-19 新冠狀病毒引致的傳播疫情嚴峻,為保護大家和自身安全,盡量避免不必要的外出, 我們將提供以下優惠: A)在2020年3月19日前已預約,將於4月30日或之前進行的: 1. 婚禮和攝影化妝預約,我們會提供免費改期。 2. 婚禮部分延期,延期的預約可享有八折優惠。 B)由3月19日至4月30日,不試妝直接以訂金確認預約2020年4月至2021年12月的新娘造型服務,將享有8折優惠。 因應所選服務時數,將可以折扣價錢或免費安排婚前試妝。已預約試妝的客人均可享優惠,已付之試妝訂金將直接成為部分婚禮訂金。 *所有預約請先向我們查詢檔期才過數預約。 願大家都健康安全快樂﹗ Due to the spread of COVID-19 virus, it is very important that we avoid non-essential contact now. To encourage social distancing, we would like to offer the following discounts to clients who make booking with us from 19 Mar 2020 til 30 Apr 2020. A) For the wedding/photoshoot styling service booked in the period of 1 Feb 2020 - 30 Apr 2020, 1. Change of date will be free of charge. 2. 20% off will be offered to the booking, to the part of the wedding, that has been arranged to a different date. B) From 19 Mar 2020 til 30 Apr 2020, We will offer a 20% discount off, to the bridal styling service booking for the period of 1 Apr 2020 - 31 Mar 2021, that is confirmed with deposit WITHOUT the first trial. Final trial will be arranged for bride-to-be at a discounted price or free of charge depending on the service selected. *please contact us to check availability before transferring the deposit. Please stay safe and healthy! Sarah #socialdistancing